
Our courses offer a good compromise between the continuous assessment favoured by some universities and the emphasis placed on final exams by others.


Welder Training and Certification


    8 Weeks


    240 Hours

About Course

Petro Souls practical welder training courses and qualifications are designed to help create a skilled and competent workforce. With a choice of bespoke on-site practical training, weld procedure development and witnessing of welder qualification tests at PetroSouls or company facilities, our training covers the main arc welding processes that are used by industry, whether manual or semi-auto, including TIG, MMA, MAG, MIG, and FCAW.

PetroSouls’s welder qualification tests are witnessed by CSWIP approved welding examiners and conducted in line with recognized international standards and qualification standards in the global construction and manufacturing sectors.

This training can be delivered for self-sponsored individuals or companies at basic, refresher or advanced levels across all of the major industry sectors, including oil and gas, chemicals, power, automotive, aerospace and construction. Welding certification programs prepare students to work in pipe fitting, manufacturing, construction, and other industries providing hands-on skills. Students must complete hands-on learning before taking the company-approved certification exam.


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